Blog 7 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block in Your Virtual Assistant Business

7 Ways to Overcome Writer's Block in Your Virtual Assistant Business


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As a Virtual Assistant, I'm sure you understand how overwhelming content creation could be. Coming up with new content ideas could be difficult but even more frustrating to do so consistently.

Well, my friend, part of your challenge may be writer’s block.

While writer's block is very common, you can overcome it and get your creative juices flowing again with just a few intentional actions.

Here are seven ways to overcome writer’s block in your virtual assistant business.  

1. Take a Break

You're probably saying, "But Desi-Ann, I haven't written much as can I take a break so soon?" Breaks may seem counterproductive, but sometimes the best way to overcome writer's block is to step away from what you're doing and clear your mind.

Sometimes when you feel creatively blocked, what you need is some time away from your work. Step away from your computer, laptop, notebook, or other device and try one of these tips:

  • Take a walk.
  • Read a book.
  • Listen to your preferred genre of music.
  • Close your eyes and relax.

These activities will give your brain a moment to rest. When you get back to your device, you should feel rejuvenated and ready to write again. 

2. Doodle

Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of doodle is:

“to draw pictures or patterns while thinking about something else or when you are bored”

Did you ever doodle in school because the class was too boring? That was me during History class 🤫

I often drew boxes or outlines of coconut trees with a few curved lines that represented the ocean. And if time permitted, I would shade inside the leaves and tree barks. I even pictured myself being there. 

When you doodled, where did your mind go? You probably wandered off into some far place where it was more interesting and creative. Well, the same applies when you have writer's block.

When you're feeling out of touch with your creative side, pull out your pen or pencil and start doodling. Don’t make this complicated or fancy. Instead, just make some simple shapes or lines. Allow your mind to just do something a different way. 

3. Try Freewriting

According to Grammarly, freewriting is "a technique in which the author writes their thoughts quickly and continuously, without worrying about form, style, or even grammar." 

Here's how you could try freewriting. Set a timer for a specific time, e.g. 10 minutes, and start writing. Don't worry about what you write about. Just put words on the page or your device.

The objective of freewriting is to allow your mind to flow with ideas that come during the time. When the timer goes off, read over what you've written. You may be surprised at the ideas that come through when you let yourself just write without overthinking. You could then take those ideas and make them more cohesive. 

4. Brainstorm with a Partner

When writer's block steps in, try brainstorming with someone else. Sometimes getting another person's perspective when you're feeling creatively stuck is all you need. Your friends, family members, or even just another content creator can help spark some ideas. And, the fun part about this approach is you get to spend quality time with them while getting new topics to write about. 

5. Use Prompts from Idea Generators

One tool that I use to help me generate new topics and prompts is CopyCreator.  CopyCreator is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform that allows you to enter a keyword. What I like about it is that you can generate ideas for a range of platforms. Here's a screenshot of some of the types of content CopyCreator generates. 

How does CopyCreator work?

  1. Click the category of your choice.
  2. Type in your keyword or topic and press enter.
  3. You'll receive a list of ideas that you could use as is or tweak if needed.

And, best of all, you could start using it for free! Here's a screenshot of a search I did recently by entering the words 'virtual assistant'.

6. Jot Down Your Ideas

Sometimes when I step away from my writing, I would suddenly get an idea. This is not at all uncommon. It often happens when I'm in the middle of doing something else entirely. Does this happen to you, too? Then, don't ignore it!

Here's what you should do instead. Stop what you're doing and write down the idea so you don't forget it. A few written ideas could turn into something more. If you're not in a position to write them, record a voice note on your phone. You could always transcribe it when you have time. 

7. Try a Different Content Format

Sometimes we have to switch things up a bit. When you feel like you're in a rut, try a different approach to delivering your content. For example, if you usually write blog posts, create a video instead. Another option is to create audio clips of the message you want to share with your audience. Switching up your usual routine to jumpstart your creativity could help to get it going again. 

Final Thoughts

If you're struggling with writer's block in your virtual assistant business, don't panic. Instead, experiment with these tips and see which ones work for you. Remember, everyone experiences creative drought from time to time. So, do not give up and keep pushing through. The more you create, the easier it will be to come up with new ideas 😉

How do you deal with writer's block? Share your strategies in the comments below.


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